High-value touristic experiences that contribute to our life stories

First and foremost, let’s take a moment to celebrate the achievements and accomplishments in our community. It warms my heart when I think about how far we’ve come. Our intellectual culture is much developed compared to the last decades, and we’ve more confidence in our full potential. Not to forget, the self-love growth is showing through all the pro-black and pan-African projects we’re running worldwide. 



Our progressive involvement in informative projects like museums, archives, journalism, libraries, podcasts, blogs, and research throughout the years is undeniable. Our intellectual history was disrupted for decades, but we’re rebuilding our intellectualistic culture. And it fills me with much pride. Almost every project I mentioned earlier can somehow be classified as touristic activity. Some serve specifically African descendants, black communities, afro or Caribbeans. They contribute directly to the development of intellect, identity, and self-love within the African diaspora. Some focus on the international diaspora, but more projects are focused on the local diaspora. 


We were taught that our African-rooted cultures weren’t worth mentioning or sharing for decades and centuries. I’m happy to see a massive change in what we believe and share about our cultures and heritage. That information and experience add value to our quality of life and is essential for our emotional growth. The more we know about ourselves, the more confident we’ll live to our full potential. Afro tourism will help us reach the right mental state, mindset, and emotional state for our social status, purchasing power, and education. 


When you choose to add afro activities to your next travel trip, vacation or workcation. You’re deciding to invest in your intellect, identity, and self-love! 

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