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Mobile: +31 110 304 6060 info@bookandvisitafroabroad.com
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VATnr: NL003355027B57 info@bookandvisitafroabroad.com
Wanna collaborate with us?
Book and Visit Afro Abroad (BVAA) collaborates with businesses owned by African descendants abroad—companies in tourism, legal services, and the lifestyle sector. The goal is for us to work together for more online visibility! Better online visibility will help migrants of African descent (emigrants, expats, students, and refugees) find us online and contact us more often, leading to healthier Afro/Black/African communities worldwide.
If you want a feature on the blog and the listing page of BVAA, don't hesitate to contact us so we can discuss ideas. If you desire more information on the conditions and possibilities, send us an e-mail requesting more information. We'll send you an e-mail back with all the information you need.
Call us on +31 110 304 6060 or mail us at business@bookandvisitafroabroad.com